Friday, February 13, 2009

Amazing Things

There was a black cat at my cousin's house and the black cat was very nice.

I'm the shaving cream master!

This is the Crazy Coaster, the Disneyland of Australia!

This is Ripley and I on the Crazy Coaster.

This apple is special; it was grown half green and half red.

Grand Prix
The Grand Prix is a GIANT car racing event that goes for days. (Not overnight) The Grand Prix is right next to our house. They are already preparing for it, even though it is two months away. The Grand Prix is SO noisy, that they have to cancel my school on the days it is on.
There are 347 kids in the whole school. It is a very big difference from Farm School -- going from 19 to 347. Grownups think that Farm School is a country school because it is so small. There is a Blaise, a Nicholas, Liam but no one else besides those three people. I couldn't understand some of the words you are meant to spell for a spelling test, so I waited until she said them in a sentence.
Shaving Master
Some of these pictures (the ones where I'm covered with white shaving cream) are Ripley and I by accident squirting shaving cream on to ourselves. Then we rubbed it in like sunscreen.
There is a Headsox in Australia. Headsox are like hats, but you can wear them in all different styles. You can wear them like a pirate hat, you can wear it like a cap, you can also wear it like a bandana. I got my Headsox from a kid named Ollie, because his Dad owns the Headsox corporation, so if you are his friend, he'll give you a Headsox.


grandma said...

Dearest Casey, I was happy to see that you are blogging again. You had so many interesting things to tell all of us!
Playing with the shaving cream looks like fun--and I especially like the tiger stripes on your body! It is good thing that Taz wasn't there--he could have been "ghost dog'!!
I am glad that you are having interesting experiences in school. Has it been strange to get used to the Australian accent? It was very smart of you to wait until the teacher used the spelling words in a sentence so you could be sure of what the words were. Isn't it funny that you have Blaise, Nicholas and Liam in your class?
I loved the photo of the crazy coaster--that is as close as I am going to get to it! You and Ripley are very brave kids. I bet Ben and Emma would love to go on it!
Where did you find that cool apple? I never saw one like that? Did you eat it or save it?
The picture of you and the cat was very cuddly. It is a good thing that Taz wasn't there or the cat would have been running everywhere!
And one last thing--I think it is cool that your friend gave you a Headsox--does it go over your whole head or just over your ears?
Taz is fine--he loves to sleep with his head draped over the back of the couch in the living room. We put a big sheet on it and his toys are all over the house. We have noticed that he doesn't like to eat when he is alone. He waits until we come home so that there is someone to keep him company while he eats.
Lots of love and xx, Grandma

Mike said...


If that's what they did to keep people in Australia instead of going to Disneyland, they have a long way to go! I can't wait to see pics of you in your headsox! Must be nice to have friends in high places... We miss you, tell mom to Skype us sometime soon and wear something funny!

Uncle Mike

FeedYourSoul said...

It sounds like you guys are having so much fun! And doing so many cool things! Life in Australia seems pretty different, they have lots of different words for things than we do.
Do you like your new school? It's kind of funny but, 347 kids is still pretty small for a school. How many grades go to that school? Have you made lots of new friends? What's your most favorite thing about your new school?
I wish i could try that special apple. It's crazy thats its split just in half like that. Did you have it? Was it good?
I sure miss you guys a lot, and I'm enjoying reading about everything in your blog. Keep having fun!

Casey said...

My dad ate the special apple. My friends are Fintan, Anton, Catalina and Ollie.

Aunt Heidi said...

Hi Casey,
Sounds like you are meeting some influential friends--I hope that Ollie isn't bribing people to be his friend by giving away Headsocks!!! That roller coaster reminded me of Wild River--remember all the fun you and Ben had? Grandma and Grandpa are spoiling Taz--I don't think there's much room for Grandma on the bed now that Taz sleeps under the covers! Do they spell the words differently there? Like color versus colour? How interesting. I'm glad that you're making some friends--I hope you can convince some of them to skateboard with you. That Grand Priz sounds like the Speedway near our old house in CA. I remember coming down to spend the weekend with you when it was going on. It was so loud you could sit in the living room, and watch it on TV and listen to it from the outside! Way too loud for me. We miss you and Ripley and are glad you are keeping busy doing fun stuff like shaving cream battles!
Lots of love, XXXOOO

Unknown said...

Hey Casey,

I want to see the Headsox--you should wear it while you eat a half and half apple. What an odd place Australia is turning out to be. Does everyone go around putting shaving cream on themselves?

I have never heard of school being cancelled because of the Grand Prix. You'll have to be extremely careful when crossing the street while it is on.

We are starting to get ready for the campout. It is going to be very cold atop Palomar Mountain. I think I'll be wishing I was in Australia, even if it is really, really hot.

Your new and improved wooden self is doing quite well. You've been moved to the workroom while your clothes dry. Don't worry, you won't be too lonely; Ripley is resting in there as well. I promise we'll bring you out as soon as you are presentable.

Take care--I can't wait to hear your Australian accent when you come back.

Miss you.


Nancy Enoch said...

Hi Casey,

Weird school things: I got a science assignment turned in with your name on it last week. You did really well, but I had trouble reading your writing.

I loved the roller coaster picture. I just plain love roller coasters. Luckily Jack likes them, too, or I'd have to go by myself. No one else in my family likes them. Were you scared?

Good idea to wait for the sentence on the spelling test. What else are you having to figure out?

Miss you,