Saturday, January 17, 2009

Weekend Activities

I took all these pictures except for the ones that I'm in, on the way to the skate park.  I also rode across the Yarra River, which means I rode past the non-city line.  There was a giant gay and lesbian fair and the skatepark was in the middle of it (I was going to the skatepark, not the fair.  I didn't know there was the fair that day.)

This is a BLACK swan.  In Australia, they only have black swans.  They don't have a SINGLE white swan in ALL of Australia.  This swan is in the far side of Albert Park Lake (Albert Park is the oval behind my house).  

This picture is of a huge amount of seagulls.  The little white dots are seagulls.  This is also at Albert Park Lake.  Albert Park Lake is in Albert Park.

This picture is a closeup of the picture below it.  The actual picture is a picture of the memorial shrine for wars.  In a different shrine, some skateboarders were skating on a plaque with the dead people's names on it.  (I saw this on the news.)


These are advertisements signs on wheels, being towed by people on three-wheeled motorcycles.  I have no clue what "WHACK" is.  I think it is a sports drink with no sugar.  And it's full of something unknown.

This skatepark is the first skatepark I've been to in Australia.  In this top picture, I am dropping in off a one-meter high quarter pipe.  A meter is 3 feet.  In this picture below, I am doing a headless pop shoveit (a pop shoveit is a jump and your board does a 180 degree spin).  The headless part of the explanation of this picture isn't a trick -- it just means there isn't a head in this picture. 

This is me getting ready to go on a 12 kilometre bike ride to the skateboard park where I had all those pictures above.  (It looks like I'm going on a four day campout.)

The picture below, I am jumping off a pier railing in St. Kilda.  (I'm not jumping into the water).  What letter did I make with my hand?  The picture above, I am leaping over the railing.


Ben Barishman said...

oooh, I saw the Prince Albert Memorial in London, is that the same albert as the one you mentioned?

Dana said...

Go Skater Casey!!

Wow! I fully expect to see you on the skateboard circuit when you get older. Please make sure that all of your body parts remain intact--I don't want to visit you in the hospital.

How do the skate parks in Australia compare to the ones in the US? It looks like you need to still wear a helmet (which is a good thing, I think).

When does your vacation come to an end? Have you been working on any of your school stuff?

We've just finished the Solstice Artcile for the newspaper. I will email you a copy when I send it to the rest of the Big Kids later this weekend.

Are you going to watch the inauguration on Tuesday (or Wednesday your time?) We're all going to the Youth Lounge on Tuesday. I am really looking forward to it. Go Team Obama!

Take care and stay in one piece.


Nancy Enoch said...

Dear Casey,

Great pictures! I had no idea about the only black swans. I wonder if the seagulls are the same type as we have here.

Yay for skateparks! You looked very confident as you were doing those tricks. Are there as many skateboarders around your home there as here? What all did you pack in those huge saddlebags?


grandma said...

Dearest Casey, FABULOUS!!! Those photos of you skateboarding and jumping over piers are amazing! You took some wonderful pictures of the area as well. I am very impressed with all of it! I do remember the Yarra River when we were in Melbourne. Dad and Mom took us on a boat ride on the Yarra. I thought that Yarra meant "wide" in the Aboriginal language. You certainly are enjoying the summer vacation and seeing and doing wonderful things.
Is the skatepark a good one? How does it compare with Etnies? Every time Grandpa and I go past that park, we think of you!!
I hope that we will SKYPE soon. Oh, by the way, did your tooth fall out yet? Hugs and xx, Grandma

Aunt Heidi said...

Hi Casey,
It was great to see you on the computer! You were an excellent tour guide of your house! It was almost as good as seeing you in person--of course, I couldn't hug and kiss you and chase you around! You seemed like you were enjoying this great adventure! I can't wait to read the next blog post. We miss you tons and tons--I'm sending you a huge sloppy kiss! Love, Aunt Heidi