Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Phillip Island

Phillip Island is an Island that you can drive over a bridge to. From Melbourne, it is two hours away. When the tide is in, you can barely walk on the beach without getting wet. When the tide is out, you can walk 300 feet before you hit the water (not including between sand bars). There is someone named Beth who lives on Phillip Island who we went to visit. Her parents had a kayak and I had a boogie board, so I used the strap of my boogie board to tie it to the back of the kayak. We did 2 laps -- each lap was 300 feet. She was towing me and I was pushing at the same time, but I wasn't fast enough to keep up with her, so mostly she towed me.

We played beach soccer (on the beach -- that's why it is called beach soccer) at least 100 feet out from shore because there was still at least 50 feet away from water. Everyone played, including my mom, my dad, my friend Luke, my friend Beth (the kayaker), Luke's dad, someone named Zoe, and someone named Shaun. Here's a picture of beach cricket (not on Phillip Island -- on the beach near our house) since we didn't take a picture of beach soccer on Phillip Island.
I got a Ripstick for Christmas and I rode it around Phillip Island.

On the way to Phillip Island, there were some very big fiberglass animals. There was a koala, a great white shark, and a grafittied worm. On the way to Phillip Island and back, there is a town called Casey. Here's a picture of the Casey medical center and the giant graiffitied worm and the giant shark. Look veeerrry very very close to see the name Casey Medical Center.


Candace Hsieh said...

Hi Casey, this is JT's mom. Maybe I should have made my profile as "JT's mom" instead of Candace. Anyway, I looked closely at your picture. Is that YOU in the reflection of the window?

JT misses playing with you in the yard before school.

grandma said...

Dearest Casey--Philip Island sounds like a great place to visit but I don't think we can play beach tag or run too much in a socer game!! I do love walking on the sand bars--that way I don't have to get wet!! I am sure that Grandpa would go swimming with you--and maybe even kayak! We loved the photographs and I blew them up so we could see CASEY very clearly. Is there really a town called Caseytown? And could you tell me what a ripstick is? I know that you said you got one for Christmas and I imagine that it is fun but what is it????? Lots of love Grandma and Grandpa

Dana said...

Hi Casey,

I see I've missed sending you interesting/annoying facts about Australia so I will catch up now--well maybe tomorrow I will as I don't have the book of Australian knowledge with me right now.
I love the pictures!I could never visit the island; I don't do bridges.
We have our own pictures to post of "you" in the classroom. The kids take you everywhere. Today you visited the Art room and drew something....and B. apologized for blocking your view when he sat in front of you...and K. wanted to sit next to you today. yesterday it was S.
You are a very popular person. We do worry, however, that you are becoming a quiet, 2-dimensional shadow of your true self.
Hope you're keeping warm!

Nancy Enoch said...

Hi Casey,

The pictures are great! How would you like to be the artist for some huge piece of artwork like those? What would you make? I think I would make a giant beetle. It's cool, but a little scary and I could use really interesting colors.

What's a ripstick?


Casey said...

A Ripstick is a two-wheeled skateboard. Ask Kekai if you have any more questions about a Ripstick

grandma said...

Dearest Casey--thanks for telling us what a ripstick is. I just wanted you to know that Cardboard Casey came to music class and Liam, Shane and Blaise took turns "dancing" with "you'!!! You also came out to lunch with everyone--but you didn't play soccer!! Hugs and xx from Taz, Grandpa and me!

Nancy Enoch said...


The two-dimensional you has been having problems staying in his chair. He falls out on regular basis, just like you tend to do. We all laugh and someone picks you up.

I did have trouble getting you to do your work today. You may need to have a talk with the 2-D you.

Sorry, but the 2-D you also didn't pass the multiplication timed test yet. If fact it took you the whole five minutes just to figure out how to hold a pencil. Guess that's what happens when you have a 2-D cardboard brain.

How's your real brain doing?


Shane M said...

Hi Casey, It so cool that there is a town named Casey and that you got a ripstick. Was Phillip island a fun place to be at and why exactly was the big worm grafitied.



Casey said...

I've no clue why the giant worm was grafittied -- it was made grafittied. Phillip Island was very very very very fun.

Nancy -- Maybe you should tape the pen to my cardboard hand.

Nancy Enoch said...

Hi Casey,

Taping the pen is a good idea, but I'm worried about tearing you up when we need to switch to a hula hoop or something. It isn't really safe to hula with a pen in your hand.

Shane took you home tonight. You've developed two weak ankles (probably from being moved around so much; you get played with a lot) and he's going to try out his medical skills in splinting. You'll probably be good to try it out on since you won't complain too much.

The 2-D you isn't as much fun as the real you, but we're trying to make do.


Theo said...

Dear Casey,

I have signed up for Skype. Could you send to my mom's email account your Skype name.


Theo said...
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FemmeAtLarge said...

Cool pics! Only Sharon Block's kid so nonchalantly refers to a GLBTQ parade in a post about skateparks. Love to see all the pics! Tracy (your mom's student)

Kekai said...

Hey Casey,

Yesterday I took you home after school. We watched ''Wall-e''. You loved it. Today we both watched the Australian Open( a tennis tournament). Now we are at the Dauphinee's( Liam, Lucas and Kyles House). I get you for the whole weekend.

Tell you more tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
