Monday, January 26, 2009

BBQ Mania

We got invited to THREE different Barbies this weekend.  The first one was at a big and old fashioned house but upstairs isn't completely finished and it won't ever be completely finished because the architect ran out of money so they didn't make another room on floor three.  There is no floor three anymore, so on floor two, the ceilings are 15 feet above your head.  We stayed till 11 o'clock at night and it took us 15-20 minutes to get home.  

On Saturday morning I went to an awesome house with chickens in their backyard and a ping pong table.  And a PS2.   I played Halo2.  

On Sunday, we went to the really boring mall and then we went to Jane O'Donnell's house.  She is an old family friend of my dad's.  We biked to Jane's.  The problem was, we stayed too long and it got dark so we couldn't ride back in the dark, so Jane had to drive us back to our home.  Then the next day, which is today, we got our bikes back.  



Nancy Enoch said...

Hi Casey,

How difficult it must be to be so popular. I feel for you.

What is Australia Day? From the festivities, it sounds kind of like our Fourth of July.

Kekai took the 2-D you home for the weekend and then forgot to bring you back. Unfortunately, that means we had to record and unexcused absence for you. You know, that goes in your permanent record. Hopefully, it was worth it. Evidently you spent the day with Kekai's mom. I assume she fed you.


grandma said...

Dearest Casey, It sounds like you are Bar-Be Cued out! I guess since it is summer there, everyone cooks outside. Did you tell them that you can do that in California all through the year? We are glad that you are making friends--but waht is PS2 and Halo 2? You have to educate us on these terms.
Taz is fine--his favorite place is under the covers with his head on Grandpa's stomach. Sometimes, I don't even know he is there! Lots of love from Us--Grandma and Grandpa

Aunt Heidi said...

Happy Australia Day!! How funny that Grandma didn't know about the video stuff! I guess that Ben will have to tell her! It sounds like you have been seeing lots of people! What did you think of your school? Do your teachers have rhyming names like Ripley's? You sound like you are getting lots of exercise on your bike! Will you ride to school or walk? I remember walking to school when I was your age--across big streets, miles in the snow, up and down a mountain--oh wait, that's just a story that Grandpa told us!!! Lots of love,
Aunt Heidi

Casey said...


Australia Day is the day that Australia got taken over by the English. Some people want to change it because it is a very big celebration for Australia to be taken over.

JennaB said...

Hi Casey,

This is your mom's friend Jennifer. I have a question for you...was the bbq with the chickens at Steven and Corey's house? If so, tell me all about it! Steven is my oldest friend...

I love your pictures

Casey said...

Dear Jennifer,

It was not at Steven and Corey's house, it was at Dave and Jane's house, if you know them. Everyone in Australia has chickens.

Emma said...

I only know one person here in Plano, Texas, that has a chicken. He also has a duck. He is crazy! But it sounds like you are having fun, even if it is very hot in Australia. Here in Texas, it is super cold. We didn't even have school today! Keep posting on your blog, I like to hear what you are up to!


Dana said...

Hey Casey,
I love the idea that a house in unfinished and people are living there! I wonder what would've happened if they ran out of money before they built the bathrooms (or do they call that something else?)
I also love the idea of Australia Day! We celebrate Canada Day on July 1st, but it doesn't celebrate the day the English took over. Canada Day celebrates the day Canada became an independent nation. We do pretty much the same thing Americans do on July 4th and, I always got to celebrate July 4th as well cause we were right on the border of Canada and the US.
Happy summer. Don't get too hot!!
Miss ya.

Nancy Enoch said...

Dear Casey,

If everyone in Australia has chickens, when are you getting some? How many would you want? Would you share your room with them?

I agree that celebrating getting taken over is kind of odd. What do you think that says about who started the celebration?


sherllyn said...

I took CCO home twice! Hope you're having fun in Australia!

From, Chloe

Aunt Heidi said...

Hi Casey,
Hey, why aren't you blogging more? I bet it's because you have oodles of homework, right? I can't wait to hear about your new school! I'm sure they thought you were a cool surfer dude! Lots of love--let us know how the fires are affecting Melbourne. Hope to Skype you soon. XX

Casey said...

I haven't gotten a single page of homework this year, besides the ones Nancy and Dana give me. But I do read and do math on Monday-Thursdays.