Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Countdown to Australia

ALERT: I am moving to Australia in ten days. I will ask everyone to sign a book of pictures of us from Wednesday to the end of solstice day. There's three floors in my house. Floor one is kitchen and eating area. floor two is bedrooms, and floor three is a bedroom and a rooftop deck. I will probably sleep on the third floor, which is a loft. I will give you more information about the house once I get there.


Theo said...

Dear Casey,

I hope you enjoy Australia. Please write a lot in this blog.


Aunt Heidi said...

Dear Casey,
We can't wait to hear about everything! I hope you will take lots of pictures and post them on your blog. I think it will be cool to sleep in a loft! Kind of like a giant bunk bed in the house! Love you lots and lots.

Aunt Heidi

Ben Barishman said...

Hey buddy,
I hope the plane ride isn't too long! Make sure to get lots of sleep so you can see everything when you get to Australia. Man, you're gonna have such a fun time out there, I'm jealous! Have a safe trip, make sure to write in the blog more so we can.

Ben Barishman said...

hear about what you're doing. Haha, I didn't finish the last comment before I hit post, my bad!

grandma said...

Dearest Casey--I was excited to hear about your house--can I share your bed too??? Just like when you were little and you pushed me off the bed!! xxxx

grandma said...

Dearest Casey, We can't wait to see photos of your loft room. Taz is fine--he is sleeping on Grandpa's bed and on the couches. We miss you but we know that you are going to have great adventures. Lots of hugs and xx, Grandma and Grandpa

grandma said...

oct1015Hi Casey--I am so glad to see you blogging again! I shall show it to Grandpa later. You seem to know a lot about the yummy things with the strange sounding names. Have you eaten all of them? Maybe you should make an Australian dictionary so we can learn along with you. Glad that all your stuff came. We will talk soon. Miss you lots. Taz is fine--he is still sleeping under Grandpa's covers!! Hugs and xx, Grandma

Emma said...

Hey Casey! Sorry it took me so long to post here! It took me forever to figure out how to comment!

It sounds like Australia is a pretty cool place, even though it's so far away from us! When I visit you, you'll have to show me all of those weird foods and all the animals you find near your house!

Love you lots!